Marhababan Ya Ramadhan

welcome to my new blog all of my friends. How are u in English, Apa kabar in Indonesia, Kif haluk in arabic, Kam deu rige in manipure, kaise ho in hindi,sain uo in mongolia privet in russia, ni khao in mandarin, guten tag in german hehehehhe what else........ nice to see u again, oh ya Ramadhan day will be coming soon, i'm so happy friends, besides i feel so sad because this is for the second time i'm fasting in India far from my beloved family but dont worry friends i'm fasting with all my sweet friends here, we will iftar (buka puasa gitu lho!) and sahur together. Talking about ramadhan, i remember when i was in Medan with my family and my friends there, i'm missing them so know that the Muslim culture in India does not allow the women to go to the mosques for praying because of the reason i can not go to the mosque for praying tarawih but i can do that in indonesian embassy infact my embassy is quiet far from my flat. furthermore, we have plan to face this ramadhan with doing tarawih together with my roommates. ok friends next time i will continue again because i fell so tired now.....
Marhabah ya Ramadhan to you, too. Nice to read your new blog. Nice, but are you really like black? I'm one of your 'boring' friend, hope you an still stand on that, okey girl? I already gave my comment, i'll be waiting yours. Have a nice Ramadhan (entar aku dimasakin buat sahur ya pit,
Pit, tadi kelupaan. Aku mau minta maaf ni lahir bathin, dunia akhirat, mungkin selama kita beteman ada khilaf dan salah rin ma pit, maklumlah pit, namanya juga manusia, gudangnya salah dan khilaf. Semoga kita dapat berkah ya di bulan Ramadhan ini, walau harus jauh dari keluarga. Amin. Salam
tankyu yach bang iya nih mang fit akui dalam teknis nulis masih banyk yang salah, tapi tankyu sekali lagi fit akan perbaiki terus, mohon maaf lahir batin juga yach dan met bulan puasa.
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